Thu, 29 March 2012
Shipwreck attends MLG Columbus, reviews the new Resident Evil game and a backpack with an alarm, Wombat is unreasonable, and CheapyD doesn't want to receive Hotel Soap as a gift.
Thu, 22 March 2012
More spoiler-free Mass Effect 3 talk, Kid Icarus, Yakuza: Dead Souls and somebody's back hurts.
Thu, 15 March 2012
The gang is reunited for a respectful discussion on the future of the Vita, a spoiler-free Mass Effect 3 chat, and much more!
Thu, 8 March 2012
Shipwreck and Cheapy talk Journey, Mass Effect 3, iPad, Vita games, and much more!
Thu, 1 March 2012
Shipwreck enters the Binary Domain, Cheapy has second thoughts about an E3 party, and Wombat explains why Sony suffers from The Wombat Syndrome.